Discover What BucketArchiver Offers

Serverless State-of-the-art Archival Workflows

BucketArchiver leverages serverless AWS Step Functions to initiate and manage your archival workflows. Take advantage of Step Functions' capabilities to visually track workflow states, monitor success or failure statuses, and review execution histories.


Efficiency & Cost-Effectiveness using Emphemeral Compute Resources

Optimize costs by utilizing ephemeral EC2 instances that are launched only when needed and terminated immediately after task completion. This ensures you pay only for active usage, eliminating expenses associated with idle resources. Every invocation starts with a fully updated instance, reducing security risks and providing peace of mind.

Maintenance-Free Solution

No need for manual patches or updates for compute resources. BucketArchiver is self-updating, providing a hands-off experience while ensuring you always have the latest and most recent OS patches. No on-going server operations needed.


Receive optional notifications for both success and failure events. Easily integrate with email or popular ChatOps tools like MS Teams or Slack, ensuring you stay informed and responsive.

Email Notification


Leverage Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to integrate BucketArchiver workflows effortlessly with your existing infrastructure. Enjoy full flexibility and compatibility with standard integration patterns to enhance your operational efficiency.


Enhanced Operational Support with CloudWatch

Gain deeper insights into your archiving operations with our CloudWatch dashboard. Monitor critical metrics such as archive size and execution time, providing you with comprehensive visibility and control over your data archiving processes. This powerful tool allows you to optimize performance and ensure efficient resource utilization.

Extensive Logging Infrastructure

Simplify operational tasks with our extensive logging infrastructure, designed to ease monitoring and troubleshooting. Access detailed logs for every archival operation, allowing you to quickly identify and resolve issues. This robust logging capability ensures transparency and enhances your ability to manage your data effectively.

Start using our solution as 14 day free trial.

Pick from our deployment options at AWS marketplace.