Seamlessly Archive and Access Your AWS S3 Data.

Securely export your S3 buckets with BucketArchiver. Effortlessly create ad-hoc or scheduled copies of your AWS S3 data for peace of mind and compliance.

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Real-World Use Cases for BucketArchiver

Explore how BucketArchiver can streamline your data management and compliance needs across various scenarios.

Compliance-Driven Data Archiving
Automate the creation of archival copies of S3 bucket objects to meet regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, or SOX. Customizable schedules and filters allow organizations to ensure that only the necessary data is archived.
Data Sovereignty Assurance
Set up archiving routines that transfer data to specific geographical locations, helping organizations meet data sovereignty regulations.
External Backup and Disaster Recovery
Create ready-to-access tarball archives of critical data sets for external storage, ensuring backup and disaster recovery capabilities while satisfying data durability and availability requirements.
Notification for Compliance Verification
Receive optional email and SNS notifications upon successful archival for immediate compliance verification and any subsequent actions required.
Real-Time Monitoring with SNS
Utilize AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) for real-time alerts on the archiving process, enhancing monitoring and allowing for immediate issue response.
Compression for Deep Archival
Compress your S3 buckets into single-file archives to leverage cost savings with AWS S3's Glacier Deep Archive tier.

Serverless Solutions for Managing S3 Bucket Archives.

Advantages at a Glance


Perform all operations within your AWS account, guaranteeing data privacy, security, and compliance. You maintain full ownership and control over your data.

Easy to get Started

Get started in minutes with our AWS CloudFormation template—no manual setup required.

Parallel and Efficient Implementation

Engineered for speed and efficiency. Our parallel compression utilizes multiple cores, ensuring fast and reliable tar.gz archive creation.

Scheduled and one time Jobs

Flexible Execution Modes: On-demand via API/CLI or Scheduled Execution: Set regular intervals (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly) to automate the archiving process.

Maintenace Free

No manual intervention needed. Serverless orchestration for minimal operational efforts. Bucketarchiver's compute component is self-updating, meaning you're always running the latest, most secure version without the need for patches or updates.

Ephemeral Resource Utilization

Only uses AWS resources while active, minimizing costs and resource footprint.

Notification and Integration

Get notified on success and failures using email, Teams/Slack or integrate with other workflows using SNS.

User Interface and API

Powered by AWS Step Functions, our state machine interface provides a clear, user and automation friendly way to manage and monitor the archiving process.

Start using our solution as 14 day free trial.

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